Latest News: The Star Wars Takeover is finally here! Are you enjoying it?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Ever since Club Penguin released the new map, they have had a lot of bugs! If you check out the Newspaper, you'll end up with a loading bug:
You'll have to log out because you can't X out of it! That sucks! There's also a snowball glitch! If you go to the Iceberg and throw a snowball, you'll end up throwing nothing! Check it out:
If you go to a Portugues server and go to "Setting", you'll get a text bug:
I'm not really upset with these bugs because Screenhog and rsnail said that when CP has bugs, that means something big is coming! Hmm, wonder what's coming? *Coughs* Blackout *Coughs*
UPDATE: The Newspaper bug is fixed!
UPDATE: The Snowball Bug is fixed now!
UPDATE: The Portugues Bug is fixed now!
~Wwerocks88 Follow me on Twitter! Don't Forget to Comment!


  1. Screenhog and rsnail don't work for CP anymore. :/

  2. @June17 I know. But they still know a lot about CP.


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Have Fun!