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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Field Op #25 and Paychecks

Sorry I'm late on posting! A new Field Op is out! Report for duty in the Command Room:
The attacks on the EPF have stopped. Our enemies have gone quiet - thanks to the efforts of our agents.

We must act. Work together to look for any new enemy signals. Search near the ocean - it's our only clue.
To find this Field Op, go to the Cove and go near the ocean by the catalog:
You should see your Spy Gadget blink green, pick it up! You'll have to do a puzzle:
When you finish, you'll be awarded with one medal!
There's also two new paychecks for Tour Guides and EPF Agent... finally!
EPF Agent paycheck:
Pretty cool! Leave a comment telling me what you think!
Don't Forget to Comment!

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's Loulou from Penguin Club Hints! You don't know me but, I really like your blog and, I followed you! Can you check out my blog? And maybe fololow it, if you could. Well waddle on!!!! URL:


Comment Rules:
1. Don't be Mean!
2. Don't Spam! It's really annoying!
3. No Fighting or Swearing!
4. Don't post bad stuff!
6. No Links!
Have Fun!