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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Penguin Times Issue #260

The new Penguin Times is out! The main article about this Penguin Times is the Halloween Igloo Contest:
On Page A2 and A3, it talks about the Igloo Contest and all the information you'll need to know about the contest. Igloo Contest will start on Oct.15-17:
On Page A4 and A5, it talks about the 5th Anniversary Party. It is one day only and will arrive on Oct.24:
Here are the Upcoming Events:
Oct.8-Secrets of the Bamboo Forest Returns to the Stage
Oct.8-New Penguin Mail
Oct.8-New Pin
Oct.15-New Better Igloos Catalog
Oct.15-17-Halloween Igloo Contest
Cool! Can't wait until the Halloween Party!
Waddle and Rock!!!
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