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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Featured Igloos: August 23!

Happy77 has made a new post on the Club Penguin Community Blog! Here's what she has to say:

Greetings Penguins!
Happy77 here. Just wanted to share some of the fabulous igloos we've spotted around the last few weeks. 

Since we released the new furniture catalog, we've seen a lot of half-pipes and ramps around. Some of you even transformed your igloos into giant snow parks! 
Here's one from 
And another from C O L A. I love the candy igloo!
Finally, here's 402mj's sporty igloo:

We'd love to hear about all the extreme igloos you've seen online, so let us know their penguin names in the comments! :)

Pretty awesome igloos, eh?
~Wwerocks88 Follow me on Twitter! Don't Forget to Comment!

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