Hey Penguins!
Exactly one year ago, I wrote a post titled "What Happened?". In that post, I said I was quitting this blog. Well, guess what?!
(CM Punk FTW!) If you've visited this blog recently, you might've saw this sentence: "Heckcing ym gpaeiewsv. Fi I aveh vero 7 gpaesveiw ta hte ned fo hte yad, I ghmit omce bcka ot PC loggbngi." in the marquee text. If you unscramble that, it says this: "If I have 7 pageviews at the end of the day, I might come back to CP blogging." I wrote that sentence on November 2nd (I think) and, turns out, I got over 7 pageviews that day! So, I'm back, and I'll start posting again soon!
Waddle and Rock!!!
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Hey ya'll! In the Marquee text above, I said I was quitting for a while. The reason I quit was because school was getting in the way an...
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When you go to the Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force site, you'll get this message: "System report: critical bugs detected. Error ...
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