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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Party 2011 Cheats!

The Halloween Party is here! First off, the Haunted House is back and both Members and Non Members can access it this year! Check out the free item in the Haunted House:
(Yes, this item IS available for Non Members!) Now for the Scavenger Hunt:
To find the first ghost, go to the Cove:
Click the ghost, and move on. The second ghost is at the Haunted House Entrance:
To find the third ghost, go to the Mine Shack:
The fourth ghost is at the Ski Village:
Go to the Ski Hill for the fifth ghost:
For the sixth ghost, go to the Forest:
Go to the Lighthouse for the seventh ghost:
To find the last ghost, go to the Dock:
Click the ghost and the book will pop up. Click "Claim Prize":
You'll get the Candy Ghost BG:
Pretty cool! This Halloween Party is pretty awesome! What do you think?
~Wwerocks88 Follow me on Twitter! Don't Forget to Comment!

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