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Friday, December 3, 2010

Catalog Bug Fixing

Here's what Billybob had to say:

Hello Penguins!

Quick update: we've come across some nasty bugs with the newspaper and the new clothing catalog. The team is working hard to squash them, but thanks to these pesky bugs we probably won't be able to launch the new stuff until tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!

In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of what to look forward to in the catalog. What do you think?
We'll launch the catalog as soon as we can and update you right away once it's available. Thanks for being so patient with us.

In other news... Coins for Change is coming later this month!! Make sure to start saving up your coins now to help others around the world! Stay tuned for more info soon.

Until then... Waddle On!
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