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Monday, October 4, 2010

Field Ops #17, Cart Surfer Stamps, and Black Puffle added to Cart Surfer!

This weeks Field Op is out! Report to the Command Room for your orders:
The new scanner is online! We can now locate and intercept radio signals. Good work!

Work together to find an enemy signal, and send it to me. I believe they may be underground.
To find this weeks Field Ops, open your Map and go to the Plaza. When your in the Plaza, go into the manhole and down to the Cave:
Your Spy Gadget should blink Green. Answer it. Finally! A new puzzle!
Kind of reminds me of Mission 11! Anyway, Congratz! You earned one Medal!
Also, there's new Stamps out! Cart Surfer Stamps!
Pretty Cool! Also, the Black Puffle has been added to Cart Surfer! I don't really have a Black Puffle :P
Waddle and Rock!!!
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