Latest News: The Star Wars Takeover is finally here! Are you enjoying it?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Coming Soon to My Blog!

Hello Rockin Penguins!
You know that club I had?No body joined so I will be replacing it with somthing awesome!EPF Cops!Now,I will be putting ninjas in here because ninjas are of course awesome.I just came up with this and thats the page whats coming soon.Tour Guides I thought are awesome too but EPF and Tour Guides dont fit in with each other.I will have EPF Cops,EPF Ninjas,Detectives and our allies will be of course The PSA.Our room will be the EPF Command Room and Ninja Hideout.I dont know how im gonna do this but I will have it before school starts for me.Why cant summer be four months long?
Waddle and Rock!!!


  1. Wwerocks 88 what about your party?!

  2. Im at the party now.Guys,im at the cove on server cabin

  3. Also,im the dancing penguin with the tour guide hat with the name wwerocks88

  4. Sorry Wwe Rocks 88. I came at 12.00. And you came at 12.30. Too Bad. Anyway, Wwe Rocks 88. Guess what! I have a Penguin Standard Time Clock on my blog!

    Here's the link:

    Also, please add my new Banner to your site. Plz add my banner


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Have Fun!